Vancouver Location Drawing with Ink pt. 1

Playing catch up on a new project - I'm doing an illustration for different areas around the city - dropping clues but trying to leave some guess work for each location (other than China town...I mean I'd have to draw some obscure stuff in order to keep that one safe)


  1. Unfortunately I don't know Vancouver well enough to guess, but these drawings are amazing!

    1. Thanks for checking them out Ebba :) One day I will quiz you on them

  2. Awesome drawings, jake. I can't make where #2 is but I'm going to guess near Oppenheimer Park.

  3. Thanks Fern! #2 is the Mount Pleasant area...however I have plans to head near Oppenheimer for a 'Railtown' piece. Any future feedback is great

  4. Hey Jake,
    Saw your post on Urban Sketchers. That one with the beady eyed bird must be the giant from Olympic Village. Okay, you gave me the clue that you'd already been there. Very nice work. I like the way you composite one place, giving a visual overview of the area. The guessing part is fun too. It would be great for a walking tour of Vancouver. People could have fun spotting your landmarks.

    Hope to see you at an Urban Sketchers session sometime.

  5. Thanks so much Susan - you got it! I find that bird fairly pivotal to peoples recognition of that image. Thanks for your thoughts - it's certainly hard to summarize a location but it is generally done is passing (while wandering...without much planning or seeking of subjects) as I think that makes it more unique. Glad it got you guessing :) See you at a sketch meet eventually


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